The new standard

in productivity management

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How Emika works?

Sync with Jira, Asana or Trello 👋

Emika will analyse your team's past performance and put completed tasks on beautiful calendar.
From now on you can plan your work and create synced tasks within

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Emika lives in Slack, WhatsApp, Messenger and Telegram

Your teammates can pick a messenger they like and start a conversation with Emika.

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Emika will provide you with Insights on Performance of Your Team

Performance over time, 360º cross-feedback, conmetencies and insights about burnout and problems for every person on your team.

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How Emika increase productivity?

Agile Teams We are now focused on providing best quality services for but plan to roll out solutions for other client groups by the end of the year

Progress reflection

Get results to get motivation, not vice-versa. In Emika, people are unable to see their plans without passively reflecting on their past achievements. Moreover, Emika will share useful personalized content with every team member to develop a healthy habit of results authorization.

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Easy planning, no more of feeling overwhelmed

People can be stressed out just by knowing how much they need to do. In Emika, a person can easy plan his/her next 2-3 days, and then focus on execution of that plan. It also creates a feeling of freedom and allows people to consciously agree to the plan.

Limited gamification of work process

Emika is against public leaderboards and direct competition because if it done unfairly it may cause people to have more stress. Instead, work points (wp) in Emika are cumulative and used to show the person his/her overall full-body of work. It is also used to notify manager to say thank you when a person performance is increased.

Keep it simple and laser focused

Many people are overwhelmed with frequent, low relevant notifications from task managers. Emika only allows for notifications that are connected to tasks for today batching updates to make less distraction.

Detect challenges and overcome them

Emika will ask members of your team about their difficulties at work. Too many meetings, too broad task descriptions, low energy or motivation, insomnia and much more. If the problem can be solved, Emika will give a personalized compact training on that. If problem persist for some time, Emika will notify person's manager to help to overcome it.

Prevent boreout / burnout

Not having an interesting task for quite long can be very challenging as well and a lot of stress is happing under the hood. Emika AI is passively monitoring the behavior of people and will notify persons manager if she detects first signs of anxiety, boreout or burnout.

Develop soft skills and supportive work culture

Time to time, Emika will give your people a quick learning sessions on how to be more productive and have a successful career path. This talks are very short and personalized and tend to focus on weak points of specific person.

Automate task-related workflows

Emika can automate repetitive things related to how you deal with tasks. Making sure everyone have a planned next day/week, everyone don't forget to update tasks or log time at day end.

How much Emika cost?

for Cloud-based solution

Emika is growing with you

More interactions with people Emika have more accurate her actions.

Correct Emika whenever needed

Your people will be able to correct Emika's behavior if its misleading someone.


24-Hours customer support

Our friendly customer support center will help you out with any problem at any time.

No. Emika integration is done very easily. Emika just needs an email or phone number of your employees. If you want to self-host the system it will need a dedicated server and beginner-level IT administrator.
Yes. We do not share any of your data and have extensive data protection practices.
Yes, sure! Just contact your manager with that. We are very customer-friendly and want to develop a long-term relationship.
Emika is very simple to work with. It's just like chatting with another person. Your people will not require any additional training or special skills.
Yes, sure you can pay with your credit or debit card.
You can schedule a 15-min demo with your personal manager and you will be given every presentation material we have at the end.